Финансовата грамотност и финансовото образование се признават като важно индивидуално умение, необходимо за вземането на устойчиви финансови решения и постигането на финансово благосъстояние. Това се обуславя от предлагането на все по-сложни финансови продукти, появата на нови рискове и бързото развитие на финансовия Прочети
На 6 октомври 2022 г., от 11.00 часа, в аулата на Висшето училище по застраховане и финанси (ВУЗФ) ще се проведе тържествената церемония по удостояване с почетното звание „Доктор хонорис кауза“ на ВУЗФ на д.ик.н. Янка Такева, председател на Синдиката на българските Прочети
Dear Prof. Bobeva, you have been lecturing Finance for several years across different countries. Tell us about your experience in Bulgaria and is personal finance a well-known topic at the Bulgarian educational institutions? How do you find Bulgarians’ financial literacy level? I Прочети
The collection of reports is a result of the international conference on October 29 and 30, 2020 in Sofia. The conference was organized by the Higher School of Insurance and Finance (VUZF) and the Laboratory for Applied Research VUZF Lab. The topic Прочети
VUZF and VUZF Lab organized the second international conference on PEPP (Pan-European Personal Pension Product) PEPP has all the preconditions to be an attractive product for the savers and at the same time to be interesting to be developed and provided by Прочети
Laboratory for Applied Scientific Research (VUZF Lab) to the VUZF University is organizing second international conference on PEPP (Pan-European Personal Pension Product). The topic of the event is “PEPP – regulation and technical standards towards market realization“ Conference is organized under the Прочети
On July 1-st Dr. Marcel Bode was part of the event „European Regional Policy“ with lecture on Prof. Dr. Störmann’s research results on the topic „Financial impact and effectiveness of the tasks of the national audit authorities in the context of the Прочети
Assoc. Prof. Stanislav Dimitrov attends the annual meeting of EIOPA, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority. The Frankfurt Forum on 19.11.2019 brought together around 400 representatives of insurers, pension funds, asset management companies, non-governmental organizations, regulators, supervisors and academics. The event Прочети
Upon invitation of the Kinnaird College for Women, representatives of VUZF University participated at the International conference on social and economic issues, held in Lahore, Pakistan (October 24-26, 2019). Mrs. Detelina Smilkova, Vice President of VUZF University, presented a report on Women Прочети
On the 30th of September and the 1st of October 2019 in Thessaloniki, Greece, the International Scientific Congress „European Academic Triple Helix Congress“ – ETHAC2019 was held. The conference was attended by more than 151 participants from 35 countries. VUZF Lab Прочети