The activity of Insurance and Pensions Unit is targeted at producing studies, analyses and applied research in the areas of the capital (private) pensions, the personal pension provision, the solidarity pensions, the life insurance, the non-life insurance, the markets of long-term saving and investment products for the individual clients.
The goal of these researches is to join the efforts, the experience, the knowledge and the expertise of scientists, experts, business practitioners, regulatory and supervisory bodies’ representatives and decision makers in order to find solutions to the specific problems faced by the practice in these areas.
During the execution of the activities in the research unit field will be sought cooperation with companies from the respective spheres, branch organizations, non-governmental organizations, official state bodies, foreign universities, foreign official bodies, consultancy and research centers, etc. For example: the Financial Supervision Commission, the Association of Bulgarian Insurers, the Bulgarian Association of Supplementary Pension Security Companies, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Ministry of Education and Science, the National Social Security Institute, the National Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria, the Confederation of Trade Union Podkrepa, the Bulgarian Industrial Association, the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria and others.
The focus is placed on study and applied research in emerging new areas in the field of pension, life insurance, insurtech, long-term saving and investment by individual clients. These include:
- Development of supplementary pension insurance markets
- Development of pan-European pension insurance products (PEPP, RESAVER, IORP schemes, etc.)
- Future of solidarity pensions (public, solidarity, PAYG pensions)
- Cross-border pensions
- Integrated analysis of solidarity and supplementary pensions
- Comparative analysis of capital pension systems in EU Member States
- Development of fintech and insurtech companies and products
- Innovative life insurance products
- Innovative non-life insurance products
- Development of bancassurance
The research unit is also open to other studies in these areas or issues close to them.