VUZF’s Laboratory for Applied Scientific Research (VUZF Lab) is established by decision of the Board of trustees of VUZF University (VUZF) on 25th October 2017.
VUZF Lab’s mission is to define and implement policies in the area of the applied-scientific research at VUZF and to actively support the economic, social and political development of the country.
VUZF Lab’s strategic goal is to achieve better national and international exposure of VUZF, as well as to increase its prestige and authority as one of the leading private universities in Bulgaria and South Eastern Europe.
VUZF Lab’s main objectives are:
- To contribute to the improvement of VUZF academic staff capacity regarding the implementation of scientific researches in various areas related to the educational and research profile of the higher school;
- To serve as an intellectual bank of ideas for scientific work on important economic, social and political issues in the country;
- To transfer knowledge from and to the national and international exchange of science and technology;
- To provide opportunities for joint scientific researches with educational and scientific institutions in the country, EU and abroad;
- To conduct applied and practice-oriented cooperation with national and international business partners;
- To encourage teamwork during the implementation of Applied Scientific Researches and the participation of VUZF students and PhD students in such researches, as well as the relations between them and the educational activity in the higher school;
- To enhance the participation of VUZF academic staff in Applied Scientific Researches and in projects funded by EU, national and international donor organizations;
- To help for quality improvement of the scientific research conducted at the University and for the closer connection between scientific research and the practical needs;
- To organize and conduct Science Forums of societal significance and to publish the materials of them;
- To promote the results of the VUZF University’s scientific researches among the general public.