VUZF Review is a peer-reviewed, open access scientific magazine, publishing articles in English, Bulgarian and Russian.
Founder of the magazine is Higher school of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship (VUZF University) – Bulgaria. Since its founding in 2016, VUZF Review is searching for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that define the modern economic trends. The magazine publishes the most interesting works in various areas of economic theory and practice, management, marketing and applied research methods. Editorial Board and the Council consist of well-known Bulgarian and foreign scientists whose activities contributes to the integration of the global scientific community. Target audience of the magazine are researchers, university professors, graduate students and students.
Accepted articles are those corresponding to the Journal of Economic Literature, devoted to the research of a wide range of issues related to both the global economy as a whole and the economy of the individual countries in the field of micro- or macroeconomics, economic policy, econometrics, labor market, social policy, etc.
Along with promoting the studies, magazine’s mission is to search for new authors and new scientific ideas.
An indispensable condition for publication is anonymous review of the submitted articles. The magazine strives to maintain high standards of publication ethics.
Terms of publication and requirements for articles are available in the section For Authors.
We are inviting scientists, researchers and practitioners to cooperate!
Official page of VUZF Review magazine is: