Snezhana Yotinska

Snezhana Yotinska

Snezhana Yotinska holds a Master’s degree in Macroeconomics at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Sofia. She has over ten years of professional experience as an university lecturer and ten years of experience in the field of Bulgarian capital market.

From 1996 to 2006 Snezhana Yotinska was an assistant professor and senior assistant at the Department of Economics at the UNWE. She has held seminars on the disciplines of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and European Economic Integration of students, full-time and part-time, Bachelor’s degree. In the period 2007-2016, she was also a part-time lecturer at the same department.

From 2005 to 2015, Snezhana Yotinska held the position of Investor relations director at public company FairPlay Properties REIT. For the period January – November 2019 she has performed the same functions at Park REIT and from December 2019 to December 2020 was an Investor relations director at the Bulgarian Stock Exchange AD (BSE).

At present she is a Chief expert in the Corporate Development Department on the BSE and PhD student at the University of finance, business and entrepreneurship (VUZF), Sofia.

Her scientific interests are in the field of competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy, capital markets and economic growth of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Publications and participations in projects:

    • Participation in the Second International Conference on the Pan-European Product for Personal Pension Insurance (PERP), VUZF, Sofia, October 29-30, 2020; – Good practices for financing through the capital market of the small and medium enterprises (on the example of the capital markets in Poland and Romania, E-collection, February 2021, p. 118-133;
    • Participation in the Annual scientific conference of the VUZF, Sofia, May 2019 – Priorities and challenges in the building of the capital markets union, VUZF Review, number 2, 2019, p. 13-21;
    • Participation in the Annual scientific conference of the VUZF, Sofia, December 2018 – The Capital market as an alternative source of financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in Bulgaria; VUZF Review, number 1, 2019, p. 58-67;
    • Participation in the Collective monograph of the University of Agribusiness and rural development, Plovdiv, Sustainable development & competitiveness of regions – Main trends and challenges in the development of the capital market in Bulgaria, published in November 2018, Academic publishing house Talent, volume 1, p.171-180;
    • Participation in the Annual scientific conference of the VUZF, Sofia, December 2016 – Macroeconomic imbalances and challenges to the Bulgarian economy; VUZF Review, number 2, 2017, p. 97-107.

    • Finished projects:
    • Participation in the preparation of documents of the National Committee on Corporate Governance in Bulgaria, incl. Activity report of the Commission 2009-2011, National Corporate Governance Code, 2012 ;
    • Participation in the project of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development-Bulgaria, consulting services, module Capital markets, 2009 ;
    • Materials of the Publications and participations in conferences and projects of the University for National and World Economy on the issues of restructuring, the opportunities for growth and competitiveness:
    • Participation in the project Restructuring and growth opportunities, Department Economics, November 2005 – Tax policy as a factor for economic growth and increasing the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy;
    • Scientific conference, Department Economics, Welfare and economic growth at effectively functioning market economy, November 2003 – Competitive advantages and disadvantages of the Bulgarian economy – macroeconomic orientations and evaluations (2000-2002);
    • Magazine Alternatives, Appendix 2002 – Competitiveness of the small and medium business in Bulgaria;
    • Materials of the scientific conference, Department Economics, Economic and institutional change during the transition to a functioning market economy, December 2001 – Foreign investments as a factor for competitiveness and growth of the Bulgarian economy;
    • Economics, Book of tests and tasks, chaptert 26, Economic growth, published by Trakia 1998.

    Teaching Activities and Stand-in Professors

    • From 1996 to 1999 – assistant professor at the Department of Economics at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Sofia.
      Seminars on the disciplines of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics and European Economic Integration
    • From 1999 to 2006 – senior assistant professor at the Department of Economics at the UNWE, Sofia.
      Seminars on the disciplines of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and European Economic Integration
    • From 2007 to 2016 – part-time lecturer at the Department of Economics at the UNWE, Sofia.
      Seminars on the disciplines of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics