Anna Lyutakova

Anna Lyutakova

Anna Lyutakova holds MA degrees in Law and in International Relations, and an MBA degree, from ‘St. Kliment Ohridsky’ University of Sofia; MSc degrees in Accountancy and Control from VUZF – Sofia, and in Banking and Finance from the University of Sheffield.

She has a legal practice of over 8 years and a long experience in the private sector, including large domestic and international companies, as well as in the public administration. While working as Investor Relations Director in a public company, in 2007-2008 she drafted one of the country’s first good corporate governance programmes, which included measures for corporate social responsibility. Moreover, she participated in the working group that drafted the first national Corporate Governance Code. From 2011 to 2015 she was a chief expert and irregularities officer in the Operational Programme ‘Administrative Capacity’ at the Ministry of Finance. Since 2015 she has been holding the same position for the Operational Programme ‘Good Governance’ at the Administration of the Council of Ministers.

Since 2016, Anna Lyutakova is a PhD candidate at the University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship (VUZF), the ‘Accountancy and Control’ department, and has been working on a dissertation dedicated to non-financial and integrated reporting. Other spheres of her research interest and publications include international relations, law, investor relations, irregularities under EU-funded projects, and credit risk.



Articles in Refereed Journals:

    Lyutakova, A. (2016) Nonfinancial statement under the Accountancy Act – lost in the translation. Journal of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Bulgaria, refereed in RePec, Google Scholar and EBSCO, 3, p. 40-53.

    Lyutakova, A. (2001) Illegitimate local globalization – threat for international security in the 21st century. Military Journal, 1, p. 80-90.

    Lyutakova, A. and Naydenov, B. (2001) The Kosovo conflict. Military Journal, 2, p. 85-101.

    Lyutakova, A. (2001) NATO’s operations in Yugoslavia. Military Journal, 5, p. 77-95.

    Lyutakova, A. and Naydenov, B. (2001) The Albanian terrorism in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Journal of International Relations, 2.

    Naydenov, B. and Lyutakova, A. (2001) The disintegration of Yugoslavia and the policy of the Great Powers in Kosovo. Journal of International Relations, 5, p. 25-40.

    Lyutakova, A. (2005) Sources of financing for energy efficiency projects. Credit and grant schemes. Journal of Finance and Law, 6, addendum.

    Lyutakova, A. (2008) Shareholder statute in public companies. Journal of Finance and Law, 9.

    Lyutakova, A. (2018) Irregularities and fraud under EU-financed projects and detection procedures. In: Peycheva, M., Dineva, V., Veysel, A., Bashev, Y., Bankova, D. and Lyutakova, A. Investigating the Role of Control, Internal Audit, Financial Audit and Human Resource Management in Counteracting Fraud. Sofia, ATL-50 Publishing House, ISBN: 978-619-7194-26-5, p. 271-312.

    Lyutakova, A. (2016) The Nonfinancial statement under the Accountancy Act – the new title of the old nonfinancial Information. In: Twelfth International Scientific Conference of Young Scholars: “The Economy of Bulgaria and the European Union: Science and Business”, collection of reports. Sofia, University of National and World Economy, November 2016, p. 497-505.

    Project with the Municipality of Pazardzhik: ‘Municipal Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium-Sized Business’, Sofia, 2001

    Project with the Municipality of Madan: ‘Institutional Building under PHARE 2000 – Investment in Small and Medium-Sized Business Incubators in Areas of Industrial Decline’, Sofia, 2001