Valentina Grigorova-Gencheva, PhD

Valentina Grigorova-Gencheva, PhD

Graduated Ancient and Medieval History from St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia in 1990. Specialized in ancient history and numismatics, and defended a PhD thesis at Fribourg University in Switzerland where she delivered a series of lectures in numismatics. Worked as an auction house expert in Switzerland and Germany and as a deputy chief of the excavations of the French Archaeological School in Argos, Greece. Employed in First Investment Bank since the autumn of 2001 where she established and heads a bank department (the only one of its kind in Bulgaria) specializing in transactions with precious metals, investment consultations and numismatic appraisal.

Delivers lectures on the subject “The Cultural Heritage: Market and Investments” under a master’s programme of the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia since 2008 and on the subject “Markets and Investments in Precious Metals” under a master’s programme of the Faculty of Finance of the Univeristy of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship (VUZF) since 2016.

Authored numerous publications in ancient history, archaeology, numismatics and investments.

Selected publications

      Economic relations of Pautalia and its Territory in the IInd-IIIth Century (after numismatic data)“, Actes du XIe Congrès International de Numismatique, Bruxelles, 8-13 septembre 1991, Louvain-la-Neuve 1993.

      „Kolonialbronze Münzen im Expertensystem zum Erkennen und Klassifikation“, Annotazioni Numismatiche, no. 13, Milano 1994.

      „Artificial Intelligence Program System for Recognition, Classification and Archiving Coins“, International Journal Information Theories & Applications, vol. 2, Sofia 1994.

      „Neue Beiträge zur Erforschung der Münzprägung von Pautalia“, Annotazioni Numismatiche, Suppl. XII, Milano 1998.

      „Les representation des monuments sur les monnaies d’Argos“, Revue suisse de numismatique 78 / 1999, p. 81-101.

      „Médicaments et thermalisme à Pautalia, Thrace“, Gesnerus (Swiss Journal for the History of Medecine and Sciences) 57/2000, p. 238-249.

      „Les drachmes d’Apollonia et Dyrrachion en Illyrie dans la circulation monétaire en Thrace (IIe-Ier s. av. J.-C.)“ (with Dr. Ilya Prokopov), Actes du VIIIe Congrès International de Thracologie Sofia 2000, Sofia 2002.

      „Deux médaillons d’Antonin le Pieux du territoire de Pautalia (Thrace)“, Proceedings of the XIVth International numismatic congress Glasgow 2009, vol. I, Glasgow 2011.

      „New Hoards with Small Denomination Coins of the Island of Thasos (6th – 5th century B.C.): Context, Interpretation and Dating“ (with Ilya Prokopov), in Proceedings – XV. International Numismatic Congress Taormina 2015, vol. I, Roma-Messina 2017.

      „The Health Cult in Pautalia: Some Key Aspects of the City Coinage as a Primary Source on the Subject“, in: Proceedings of the Conference: Thrace – Local Coinage and Regional Identity. Numismatic Research in the Digital Age“ (with Lily Grozdanova), Berlin, April 15th to 17th, 2015, in print.

      Catalogue of the Ancient Greek and Roman Coins of the Josef Vital Kopp Collection, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, University Press Fribourg, Switzerland, Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2000.

      Българското монетосечене 1880-2010 (в колектив с И. Прокопов, Н. Жерев, Н. Цветанов и Р. Георгиев), Аполо ООД, София 2010.

      „Пътеводител на колекционера и инвеститора в монети и благородни метали“ в съавторство с Иля Прокопов, София 2017.

      „Les mines du territoire de Pautalia (Thrace)“, Atlas historique des zones minières d’Europe, Bruxelles, Luxembourg 2000.

      „An inedited imperial statue from Bulgaria“, Volume of essays in honnour of Ioannis Touratsoglou, Athens 2009.

      „New hoards with small denomination coins of the Island of Thasos (6th – 5th century BC): Context, interpretation and dating” (with Ilya Prokopov), in Ex nummis lux Studies in ancient numismatics in honour of Dimitar Draganov, Sofia 2017.

      „Разпръснато съкровище от статери от типа силен и нимфа“ (в съавторство с Иля Прокопов), в KRATISTOS Сборник в чест на професор Петър Делев, София 2017