Prof. Milen Baltov, PhD

Prof. Milen Baltov, PhD

Prof. Milen Baltov, PhD went a transition from entrepreneur and consultant to the small and medium-sized enterprises to the world of academia. He is аn expert in evaluation and monitoring of support schemes to the public administration, transport, infrastructure and the cross-border cooperation programmes. For some 25 years he was an expert and a team leader in a capacity building and business promotion projects in many EU accession countries, with missions in Macedonia, Croatia and Kazakhstan.

Prof. Baltov was a in the management committees of “The effective design and delivery of megaprojects in the European Union” (a WG leader too), “The EU in the new complex geography of economic systems: models, tools and policy evaluation”, and „REthinking sustainability towards a regenerative economy“ COST actions to it he was also part of the Editorial team, supported by the EU FP7 and FP8 (Horizon 2020) programmes. Currently he is a dep. chair of a WG in „А pan-European network for marine renewable energy“ and in the MC of “Multi-disciplinary innovation for social change“ COST actions (EU Horizon 2020 financed).
Member of the Assembly to the the mission board for Healthy Oceans, Seas, Coastal and Inland Waters in the next Horizon Europe programme design, and a co-chairing the Stakeholders WG on Black Sea Strategy for Research and Innovation Agenda.

Prof. Baltov is a Rector of the Burgas Free University, and representing Bulgaria in the Programming Committee for “European Innovation Council and the European Innovation Ecosystem” under the Horizon Europe programmes, following his involvement in the PC for the “SMEs and Access to Risk Finance”, under the EU Horizon 2020.