Assoc. Prof. Dr. Natalia Futekova

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Natalia Futekova

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Natalia Futekova is the founder of the educational organization ERP Academy and Head of the first of its kind Master’s program of ERP systems in Bulgaria “Business analysis and ERP solutions”, which has been established in partnership with “Higher School of Insurance and Finance (VUZF). Since 2017, Natalia Futekova is a member of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Association of Information Technologies (BAIT).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Natalia Futekova has two Bachelor‘s degrees – of  “Economics of Communications” and “Accountancy”, a Master’s degree of  “Economics of Communications” from the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) and PhD degree of “Application of Computing Equipment in Economics” from the same university. In 2016, she obtained the degree of Associate Professor and several months later she was awarded for “Academic Achievements and Leadership” from Junior Chamber International – Bulgaria. The project is part of the world-famous format The Outstanding Young Persons – TOYP.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Natalia Futekova is a managing partner of ERP.BG – one of the leading Bulgarian companies for business software development. She successfully combines her entrepreneurial career in the field of technologies with her academic and scientific activity, along with her active participation in educational and other social causes. Her scientific interests are in the field of the development of ERP systems and the other business software solutions, management of the business and the implementation of information systems.

She actively participates in various initiatives in support of education, culture and entrepreneurship. She is an organizer and member of the jury of the category “Innovators in the education” as well as a mentor in the pre-accelerator of Start It Smart.

Throughout the years, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Natalia Futekova has been collaborating with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAN) in the development of innovative technologies in information systems. Assoc. Prof. Dr.  Natalia Futekova has dozens of reports and publications for international scientific conferences, dealing with areas such as economics of communications, development of small and medium enterprises, business management systems, introduction to quality standards, competitiveness, mobile and online business technologies, optimization of business processes, information security,

resource management of public sector and others. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Natalia Futekova is a co-founder of the Professional Association „Programs for European and National Development“, taking an active part in the chambers “Economic Development and Competitiveness” and “Science and Education.”

She was an assistant professor at the Department of Information Technologies and Communications at the Faculty of Applied Informatics and Statistics at the University of National and World Economy for 11 years. Among the courses she held, there are Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise Resource Management Systems, Informatics, ERP Human Resource Management, and Customer Relationship Management Systems.

Selected Publications

      • Futekova, N., V. Monov. Monograph, ERP systems: Efficiency of the Implementation Process. Institute Society of Knowledge, Sofia, 2015, p. 2019, ISBN 978-619-7128-06-2

      • Specialist in the team of implementation of the project “Innovative Technology for Evaluation of ERP Systems in Medium and Small Enterprises, financed under the program “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy 2007-2013” under contract № BG161PO003-1.1.06-001-С001 (official Note № 7626 / 30.10.2015)
      • Designer in the team of the project “Production Schedules and Management of Stocks in Small and Medium Enterprises, funded under a program of NIF – IANMSP under contract № IF-02-72/28.12.2007, (official note № 7626/30.10.2015)

      • Expert in the field of information and communication technologies in the team of the implementation of the project “Cross Border Implementation of Innovative Cost-Cutting Technologies”, financed by the European Territorial Cooperation Program Greece – Bulgaria 2007-2013 under contract № B1.33.07 (official note 18/30.10.2015)
      • Member of the team for the implementation of the project “Design and Implementation of the Extension in the Functionality and Scope of the Information Systems of the NSSD of the University of National and World Economy”, financed by a subsidy from the State budget with a contract for university scientific order № NII NI 1-2 / 2012
      • She is a key expert in the UNWE project “Facing the New Challenges of Time: A Modern Career Development System for the Teaching Staff of the University of National and World Economy”
      • Functional expert in the national project “Student Practices”, which aims to attract business as an active participant in the process of planning and analysis of the needs of practical training of future skilled employees, as well as in the announcement of working positions and the admission of pupils and students.
      • Expert in the project “Designing and Implementation of an Extension in the Functionality and the Scope of the Information Systems of the University of National and World Economy”, financed by a subsidy from the State budget.

      • Futekova, N., V.Monov. Methodology for the Automatization of the Process for Implementation of the Process for Implementation of Systems for Management and Resource Planning in Enterprises, “Economic and Social Alternatives” Magazine, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, 2015, 46-63, ISNN 1314-6556
      • Futekova, N., V. Monov. Conceptual Framework for Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Economic Alternatives, UNWE, Sofia, 2014, 117-125, ISNN 1314-6556
      • Futekova, N. Software Solutions for Parameterizing the Implementation of ERP systems in Small and Medium Enterprises, “Economic and Social Alternatives” Magazine, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, 2014, 56-69, ISNN 1314-6556
      • Futekova, N. Information Systems for Resources Management of Public Sector, “Economic and Social Alternatives” Magazine, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, 2014, 38-57, ISNN 1314-6556

      • Futekova, N., T. Mosholova. Problems in the Implementation of MRP Systems in University Curricula. In: Compilation of Round Table Reports on “Higher Education and Business in the Context of the Europe 2020 Strategy”, Svishtov, November 2014, Abagar, Veliko Tarnovo, 2014, 59-64, ISBN 978-619-168-103-7
      • Futekova, N., A. Streharska. Problems in the Implementation of ERP and BI Systems in the Learning Process of Universities. In: Compilation of Round Table Reports on “Higher Education and Business in the Context of the Europe 2020 Strategy”, Svishtov, November 2014, Abagar, Veliko Tarnovo, 2014, 55-58, ISBN 978-619-168-103-7
      • Futekova, N. Problems in the Implementation of ERP Systems in the Educational Process of Universities. In: Compilation of Reports from an International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 45th Anniversary of the Department of Informatics at Varna University of Economics, September 2014, Science and Economics, Varna, 2014, 257-263, ISBN 978-954-21-0780-4
      • Futekova, N. The Approach to Critical Factors of Success in the Implementation of ERP systems. In: Compilation of Reports from an International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 45th Anniversary of the Department of Informatics at Varna University of Economics, September 2014, Science and Economics, Varna, 2014, 123-132, ISBN 978-954-21-0780-4
      • Futekova, N. Potentialities for Parametrization of the Stages of Implementation of ERP Systems. In: Compilation of Reports from the 10th International Scientific Conference “The Modern Model of the European Union and the Place of Bulgaria in It”, Boyana, June 14-15, 2013, Publishing House of MVBU, Botevgrad, 2013, 361-374, ISBN 978-954 -9432-61-9
      • Futekova, N. Main Features, and Goals of the Stages of Implementation of ERP Systems. In: Compilation of Reports from the 10th International Scientific Conference “The Modern Model of the European Union and the Place of Bulgaria in It”, Boyana, 14-15th June 2013, Publishing House of IBSEDU, Botevgrad, 2013, 375-384, ISBN 978-954-9432-61-9
      • Futekova, N. Main Stages in Development of Software Applications in Telecommunications. In: Conference Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary Conference “Information Security”, Kishinev, April 19th, 2013, Laboratory of Information Security of  ASEM, Kishinev, 2013, 68-70, ISBN 978-9975-75-640-2
      • Futekova, N. Methodological aspects of Automatization of the Process of Implementation of ERP systems. In: Compilation of Reports from the International Scientific Conference “Modern Methods and Technologies in Scientific Research”, Varna, October 2012, Science and Economics, Varna, 2013, 250-255, ISBN 978-954-21-0630-2
      • Futekova, N. Implementation of ERP Systems as a Factor for Enhancing the Competitiveness of Enterprises. In: Compilation of Reports from IV International Scientific Conference “E-Governance”, Sozopol, June 2012, Publishing House of TU-Sofia, Sofia, 252-258, ISSN 1313-8774
      • Futekova, N. Use of Specialized Software to Support Consultants’ Work of the Implementation of ERP systems. In: Compilation of Reports from the 9th International Scientific Conference “Challenges of Modern Economics”, Boyana, June 22-23, 2012, publishing house of IBSEDU, Botevgrad, 2012, 115-123, ISBN 978 954-9432-57-2
      • Futekova, N. Development of Methodology for Measuring the Economic Impact of ERP Systems in Small and Medium Enterprises. In: Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education, Sofia, October 5-6th 2012, UNWE, Sofia, 2013, 276-281, ISBN 978-954-92247-4-0
      • Futekova, N. Optimization of Business Processes in ERP Systems. In: Compilation of Reports from the 9th International Scientific Conference “Challenges of Modern Economics”, Boyana, June 22-23, 2012, Publishing House of IBBS, Botevgrad, 2012, 115-123, ISBN 978 954-9432-57-2
      • Futekova, N. Online Business Management with the Help of a New Generation of Mobile ERP Systems. In: Compilation of Reports from IV International Scientific Conference “E-Governance”, Sozopol, June 2012, Publishing House of TU-Sofia, Sofia, 2012, 248-251, ISSN 1313-8774
      • Futekova, N., Information Security Management Standards in the Implementation of ERP systems. In: Conference Proceedings of the 9th International Conference “Information Security”, Kishinev, June 18th, 2012, Laboratory of Information Security of  ASEM, Kishinev, 2012, 18-20, ISBN 978-9975-75-499-6
      • Futekova, N. Optimization of Business Processes in Enterprises by the Implementation of an ERP and BPM system. In: Compilation of Reports from the Anniversary Scientific Conference for the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Module “Statistics” in Bulgaria, Sofia, December 2011, Publishing House of UNWE, Sofia, 2012, 482-487, ISBN 978-954-644 -308-3
      • Lazarova,V., Futekova, N. Impact of E-business Technologies on Business Processes in the Enterprise. In: Compilation of Reports from the International Scientific Conference “Information Technologies – Strategic Priority in the Economy of Knowledge, Svishtov, 14-15 October 2011, Economic Academy “Dimitar A. Tsenov”, Svishtov, 2011, 225-231. ISBN 978-954-23-0675-7
      • Futekova, N., D. Grigorova. Integration between the ERP Business Management System and the ISO 9001 quality in a Service Company. In: Compilation of Reports from the International Conference “Challenges in Higher Education and Research in Crisis”, Vol. 2, Bourgas, 25-26 June 2010, Bourgas Free University, Bourgas, 2010, 356-363, ISBN 978- 954-9370-71-3
      • Futekova N, I. Arzhentinski Key Business Problems of Small and Medium enterprises in Bulgaria and the Information Systems as an Instrument of their Solution through the Prism of the Organizational Strategy. In: Compilation of Reports from the Scientific Conference “Modern Managerial Practices IV”, Vol. 1, Bourgas, 17-19.02.2006, Bourgas Free University, Bourgas, 2006, ISBN 978-954-9370-46-1

      • Futekova N., A methodological guide for working with ERP systems. IRP Bulgaria, Sofia, 2015, 133 p.
      • Breshkov, I., Futekova, N. Economics of Communications, University Publishing House “Stopanstvo”, Sofia, 2008, 200 pages, ISBN 978-954-494-910-5

      • “Automatization of the Implementation of ERP Systems with a Business Process Analysis Tool”