Prof. D. Sc. Krassimir Todorov

Prof. D. Sc. Krassimir Todorov

Krassimir Todorov was Dean of the academic programme University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship (VUZF) from 2020 to 2021, He is Full Professor,  leading master student’s courses in Corporate and strategic dynamics, Strategic management, Strategies and Business modeling. He holds a Professional MBA degree in the field of Strategic Management from the Executive Academy of Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria. As an International Residency Program he completed a specialization in Mergers and Acquisitions in the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. Additionally, he holds a PhD degree in Management Accounting from the University of National and World Economy, Sofia.

Krassimir Todorov is working as a Country Manager in Bulgaria for the international company FCC Environment, headquartered in Austria, part of the Spain group Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC), Madrid. For 12 years he has been working in two Bulgarian subsidiaries of Inchcape Plc, London (FTSE 250) – Toyota Balkans and TM Auto – authorized distributor and retailer of Toyota and Lexus, occupying various senior executive positions – Finance Director, Sales and Dealer Development Director and General Manager. During his work he has been involved in various international investments projects in Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Romania, Macedonia and Poland.

Selected Publications


    Strategic Management in Emerging Markets: Aligning Business and Corporate Strategy, Krassimir Todorov, Yusaf H. Akbar, Emerald Group Publishing (ML), ISBN: 9781787541665, 468 pages, 2018

    Systematic approach for competitive analysis and strategy preparation: Applied in an automotive commercial organization, Krassimir Todorov, AV AkademikerVerlag, ISBN: 9786202213820, 76 pages, 2018

    Operations and Manufacturing Strategy for the Business, Krassimir Todorov, VUZF Publishing “Saint Grigory Bogoslov”, ISBN: 9789548590471, 229 pages, Sofia, 2018

    Theory of the Strategic Management, Krassimir Todorov, VUZF Publishing “Saint Grigory Bogoslov”, ISBN: 9789548590440, 400 pages, Sofia, 2017