James Jolovski, PhD

James Jolovski, PhD

James Jolovski is a PhD holder in economics with a dissertation in management accounting, and in particular, budgeting. He obtained a master’s degree in accounting with a specialization in financial reporting at the UNWE. During his master’s studies, he conducted a desk research in the field of financial instruments at the University of Oxford. His bachelor’s degree is in finance and he holds professional qualifications in accounting and management as well.

Since 2018, Dr. Jolovski has held the position of Chief Expert at the Fiscal Council of Bulgaria, analysing the macroeconomic environment and key components of the budget. His professional experience also includes financial management and overall project management in the private and the non-profit sector. He has developed expertise in defining key performance indicators, efficiency and effectiveness analysis, benchmarking, cost optimization, liquidity and cash flow management and monitoring of budgetary performance.

Dr. Jolovski is a part-time lecturer at VUZF university. He is a certified trainer in entrepreneurship by the University of Warwick and the European Commission, as well as by the KAUFFMAN Foundation. He participated in various commissions, including the national competition on the simulation „Virtual Enterprise“ – at the Ministry of Education and Science, and the selection of a project for the European Entrepreneurship Promotion Awards (EEPA) – at the Ministry of Economy.

A number of projects have been implemented under the leadership or with the active participation of Dr. Jolovski. During their implementation, he has gained extensive experience in lecturing and training representatives from different fields and age groups – business circles, entrepreneurs, teachers, university and school students. Dr. Jolovski has a number of publications that include scientific work and co-authorship of textbooks for the secondary education approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. He has participated in numerous forums and seminars on international level in the fields of finance and education.

Selected publications

      ‘Theoretical and methodological aspects of budgeting in non-profit organisations’, PhD thesis, 2019

      ‘From traditional budgeting to beyond budgeting: evolution or revolution in the innovation of managerial accounting models’ in ‘Accounting and Analysis Department 1920-2017: Collection of Scientific Articles’, UNWE Publishing Complex, 2017, ISBN 978-619-232-021-8

      Articles in non-refereed journals

      ‘Analisys of the socio-economic impact of the non-profit organizations in Bulgaria for the period 2008-2017’ in ‘The economy of Bulgaria and the EU in the digital world: Collective monograph’, VUZF, UNWE, 2019, ISBN 978-619-232-208-3

      ‘Budget – key instrument of financial management’ and ‘Pension and life insurance’ in ‘Personal finance’ 2018, JA Bulgaria, ISBN 978-954-8421-37-9

      ‘Analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of non-profit organizations’, Fourteenth annual international scientific conference of the young scientists ‘The economy of Bulgaria and the EU in the digital world’, VUZF, UNWE, 2018.

      ‘Improving the liquidity in the non-profit organizations through budgeting of the for-profit activity’, Thirteenth annual international scientific conference of the young scientists ‘The economy of Bulgaria and the EU in the global world’, VUZF, UNWE, 2017.

      ‘Advantages of the blended learning methodology in teaching budgeting’, conference ‘Blended learning in the Bulgarian education’, JA Bulgaria, SU ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’, 2017

      ‘Specificities of budgeting in non-profit organizations’, Twelfth annual international scientific conference of the young scientists ‘The economy of Bulgaria and the EU: science and business”, VUZF, UNWE, 2016

      Developing educational resources using augmented reality, funded by Samsung, implemented by Education 5.0 Foundation

      Nationally representative study of the financial literacy of the Bulgarian school students, implemented by JA Bulgaria in partnership with the OECD and the Ministry of education and Science

      Nationally representative study of the financial fragility of the Bulgarian households, funded by Metlife foundation, implemented by JA Bulgaria

      Career development forum ‘Careers of tomorrow in the sphere of finance and accounting’, organized by JA Bulgaria