Dr Nora Markova

Dr Nora Markova

Dr Nora Markova has a Doctorate Degree from University of Oxford and more than 20 years of experience in a broad range of working environments including international organisations (World Health Organization (WHO), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and United Nations), academia (University of Oxford, Australian National University), governments (National Health Insurance Fund Bulgaria) and consulting spanning Europe, USA, Australia, Central Asia and Africa. She is an expert in health systems strengthening and health financing. She is fluent in English, Russian, Spanish, Bulgarian, Catalan and working knowledge of Macedonian.

Dr Markova is a co-author of the international standard defining the health accounting categories (SHA 2011), which is compulsory for the EU countries since 2016, developed in collaboration between WHO, OECD and Eurostat. She was the coordinator of a World Health Organization international network.

As a health financing expert in WHO she has led the healthcare reform in Belarus (2010-2013) and assisted reforms in many countries in Europe and central Asia.


Dr Markova has won and led an international research project concerning the healthcare reforms in Bulgaria, which the IMF chose to be further funded and developed within the IMF research department. She has organised trainings and taught government officials in the worldwide initiative for setting health expenditure definitions and standards. She has trained hundreds of government representatives, academics, medical doctors and health experts in various WHO and government-organised health financing courses.


Her publications include a book on healthcare financing and numerous publications on health systems management, equity in healthcare, income and health inequalities and wellbeing. She is the organiser of many international conferences.

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    1. BOOKS

    Markova N. (2009) Equity and Health Care in Transition, VDM, Germany


    Markova N. and Stanley R. (2011) ‘Statistics For Out-Of-Pocket Spending On Health Care Of The Former Soviet Union Countries’, Eurohealth, 17 (4): 27-31.

    McGillivray M. and Markova N. (2010) ‘Global Inequality in Well-being Dimensions’, Journal of Development Studies, 46 (2): 371 – 378.

    McGillivray M., Dutta I. and Markova N. (2009) ‘Health Inequality and Deprivation’, Health Economics,11(1S): S1-S12.

    Димитров С. и Маркова Н. (2002) „Приложения на ГИС базирано пространствено моделиране в здравното планиране и управление“ – СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“ (Годишник на Софийски университет Климент Охридски), 95 (2).

    Маркова Н. (2002) „Нови здравни рискове в глобалното общество“ – Социална медицина; Националният център по обществено здраве и анализи; 10 (2): 5-7.



    De Colombani P., Dadu A., Dravniece G., Hoffner S, Kovac Zl., Ilyenkova V., Markova N., Polishchuk Ol., Rusovich V., Šķenders G., Turusbekova N., Vitek Er. and Volchenkov Gr.(2012) Review of the National Tuberculosis Programme in Belarus 2011; World Health Organization.

    Markova N. and Stanley R. (2011) Behind the estimates of out-of-pocket spending on health in the former soviet union Health Financing Policy Paper 2011/1; World Health Organization.

    Abegunde D. et al. (2010) The World Health Report; World Health Organization.

    Markova N. (2006) How Does the Introduction of Social Insurance Change the Equity in the Health Care Provision in Bulgaria?, IMF Working Paper WP/06/285, International Monetary Fund; Washington DC.


    Training workshop on the System of Health Accounts 2011 and tracking of RMNCH expenditures and 8th Eurasian NHA Network Workshop; Bishkek, 12-15 October 2012;

    7th Eurasian NHA Network Workshop Tbilisi, Georgia; 7-8 December, 2011;

    6th Eurasian NHA Network Workshop Dushanbe, Tajikistan; 4-6 October 2010;

    5th Regional NHA Network Workshop Yerevan, Armenia; 10-12 November 2009.



    7th Eurasian NHA Network Workshop Tbilisi, Georgia; 7-8 December, 2011 Conference organizer; “The determinants of cross-national reporting of out-of-pocket payments for health care: Evidence from the Former Soviet Union” and “Changes in the classification of health expenditure, and their implications for health financing analysis”

    Seventh Global National Health Accounts Symposium: Toronto, Canada, July 8, 2011 “Changes in the classification of health expenditure, and their implications for health financing analysis”

    8th World iHEA Congress, Toronto, Canada, July 10-13, 2011; Session organizer “Improving Health Expenditure Data as an Objective and a Policy Tool” and presenter: “How comparable and reliable are statistics for out-of-pocket payments for health care? Evidence from the countries of the former Soviet Union” and “Tracking external resources for health care in the countries from the former Soviet Union: methods and definitions”.


    Policy Dialog on Financing of Primary Healthcare: Minsk, Belarus; 1-2 March, 2011; Conference organizer with European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; “Purchasing in the health system framework”.


    6th Eurasian NHA Network Workshop Dushanbe, Tajikistan; 4-6 October 2010; Conference organizer; “OOPs: challenges and solutions”

    Connecting Health and Economics: 8th European Conference on Health Economics, 7-10 July 2010; Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland „Reporting out-of-pocket payments for health care in countries from the former Soviet Union: Methods and definitions“ and session organizer „Improving Health Expenditure Data as an Objective and a Policy Tool“

    5th Regional NHA Network Workshop Yerevan, Armenia; 10-12 November 2009; Conference organizer; “NHA in the countries from the Former Soviet Union: Past and Future”; “Prospects for the Eurasian NHA Network”

    Harmonizing Health and Economics: iHEA 7th World Congress; 12-15 July 2009 Beijing International Convention Centre, Beijing, China “Poverty effect of indirect taxes on pharmaceuticals”

    AHES 2008 30th Australian Conference for Health Economists, 2 – 3 October 2008, National Wine Centre, Adelaide, Australia, “On the link between health, socioeconomic inequalities and health care financing”

    Health Economics and Global Renaissance: 7th European Conference on Health Economics, 23-26 July 2008 Faculty of Economics, University of Rome, Roma, Italy “On the link between health, socioeconomic inequalities and health care financing”

    UNU World Institute for Development Economic Research, WIDER Conference on Advancing Health Equity, Marina Congress Center, Helsinki, Finland, 29 – 30 September 2006 “How Does the Introduction of Health Insurance Change the Equity in the Health Care Provision in Bulgaria”

    GDN / CERGE-EI Regional Research Competition Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 10-12, August, 2005, “How does the Introduction of Health Insurance Change the Equity in the Health Care Financing in Bulgaria”

    Graduate Research Student Conference, University of Oxford, UK, 12 June 2004 “Measuring the Health Inequalities in Bulgaria during the Transition Period”

    ESPAnet Young Researchers Workshop, University of Sterling, Scotland, UK, 16-17 May 2003 “Bulgarian Health Care System Reform – Transitional Policy Transfer”.



    CEELBAS, UCL, London, UK, 15 October, 2008, “On the link between health, socioeconomic inequalities and health care financing”.

    ACERH, ANU, Canberra, Australia, 2 July 2008, “On the link between health, socioeconomic inequalities and health care financing”

    UNU World Institute for Development Economic Research, Helsinki, Finland, 11 July 2007 “Accounting for Equity during Health Care Sector Reforms in Bulgaria”

    Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Oxford, UK, 2 July 2005 “Addressing the issue of Equity in Health Care Provision during the Transition Period in Bulgaria”.



    Social Science and Medicine 2013

    Central European Journal of Medicine 2009

    Global Development Network 2007