Prof. Dr Daniela Ilieva

Prof. Dr Daniela Ilieva

Director of Department “Business Management and Marketing”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniela Ilieva-Koleva is an Executive Director and Member of the Management Board of Law and Internet Foundation. As a Management specialist, consultant and internationally recognized trainer, she joined the Foundation in 2015. Her background includes a wealth of expertise in business processes management, business communication, inter-cultural communication and presentation skills (Public speaking).

Assoc. Prof. Dr Daniela Ilieva is an expert in International Tourism and Management. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, MA in Marketing and PhD in Economics (Social Management) and she is has acquired academic rank of Associate Professor in Business Processes and Business Communication Management through her monography „Mentoring: process, guidelines and programs”. Prof. Dr. Ilieva-Koleva is a lecturer at the VUZF University and at the University of Sheffield – International Faculty. As a highly-qualified lecturer she provides contemporary education and innovative teaching approach on subjects such as Business Communications, Organizational Behavior, Business Management, Business Management and HR Management, as well as making the necessary link between business and academic sector.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilieva-Koleva is a professional trainer-consultant on Business Etiquette and International Protocol certified by EUROPROTOCOL – The European School of Protocol. She is also a certified Trainer of Neuro-linguistic Programming and Coaching, authorised by the International NLP Association, American board of Hypnotherapy and NLP and European Mentoring & Coaching Council.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilieva-Koleva is а frequently invited to be guest lecturer at different academic and business events. Her publications and articles often find place in internationally recognised journals and conferences worldwide.

Selected Publications

      ▪ Christofilopoulos, E., & Ilieva-Koleva, D. (2018). THE INNOVATION LANDSCAPE IN CHINA, PRESENT AND FUTURE. VUZF Review, 3(1), 110-119.

      ▪ Koleva, D. (2017) Methodology for Self-Evaluation and Career Orientation; ICEIRD 2017: International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development

      ▪ Koleva, D. (2017) Business communication techniques for lawyers, Journal „Prawo Mediów Elektronicznych“ (2017)

      ▪ Koleva, D., Ezekieva, S. (2016) Youth Mentoring Programs as an Instrument for Personal Development and Career Orientation, VUZF Review (12/2016)


      ▪ Koleva, D., Kasamska, R., (2017) Establishment of successful strategies for project communications management, Rhetoric and Communications e-Journal

      ▪ Koleva, D., Tsvetkova, R., Genova, R. „The Impact Factor Defined“, Electronic Scientific Magazine (12/2016)

      ▪ Koleva, D., „Model for Individual Presentation Skills Evaluation“, Electronic Scientific Magazine (10/2015)

      ▪ Koleva, D., „Mentoring – Notion and Impact“, Labour Panorama Scientific Magazine (09/2015)

      ▪ Harizanova, M., Koleva, D., „Trends in the management of business processes in the conditions of a financial crisis“(3 – 16), Economic Alternatives, March 2011

      Koleva, D., „Mentoring – Process, Guidelines and Programs“, 2015
      ▪ ICEIRD 2017 – „Methodology for Self-Evaluation and Career Orientation“, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2017

      ▪ Legal Innovation Conference – „Business communication techniques for lawyers“, Wroclaw, Poland, April 2017

      ▪ TEDxVarna – „Success is a way of thinking“, Varna, Bulgaria, December 2016

      ▪ 17th International Science Conference „Materials, Methods and Technologies“, Elenite, Bulgaria, June 2015

      ▪ The 8th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, Sheffield, UK, June 2015

      ▪ Eastern European Economic and Social Development Conference on Social Responsibility, Belgrade, Serbia, May 2015

      ▪ 15th International Academic Conference, Rome, Italy, April 2015 ▪

      Koleva, D., „Neuro-linguistic Programming Techniques for Perfecting Presentation Skills“, Zadar, Croatia, October 2014

      ▪ International Science Conference „Economy and Business“, Elenite, Bulgaria, September 2014

      ▪ Co-Creating Social Entrepreneurship for Growth, Copenhagen Business School, „Executive Training in Bulgaria, a Perspective on Social Entrepreneurship“, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2014

      ▪ 6th National Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students «Economic and Social Challenges for the Government and the Business», UNWE Sofia, Bulgaria April 2014

      ▪ International Science Conference „Economy and Business“, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, September 2013

      ▪ Jubilee scientific Conference of the Management Department of the University of National and World Economy, October 2011

      ▪ International Scientific Conference “ Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management“ – Ravda, Bulgaria, 2010

      Current Projects

      ▪ “Enhancing the Right to be Present (PRESENT)”, JUSTICE Programme. Assigned by Law and Internet Foundation. (01/2018 – 12/2019)

      ▪ „Preparing local public authorities for the new data Protection Legislation (ProLegis)“, Rights, Equality, Cityzenship Programme. Assigned by Law and Internet Foundation. (11/2017 – 04/2019)

      ▪ “Enhancing PROtection of Children – vicTims of crime (ePROTECT), JUSTICE Programme. Assigned by Law and Internet Foundation. (10/2017 – 09/2019)

      ▪ „INtroduction of the data protection reFORM to the judicial system (INFORM)“, JUSTICE Programme. Assigned by Law and Internet Foundation. (10/2017-03/2019)

      ▪ „Stop Youth Radicalization (StopR)“, Erasmus+ Programme. Assigned by Law and Internet Foundation (09/2017-12/2018)

      ▪ „Digital Security for Young Entrepreneurs (DiFens)“, Erasmus+ Programme. Assigned by Law and Internet Foundation. (09/2017-02/2019)

      ▪ „e-MEDIATION: promoting ICT tools to cross-border disputes resolution“, JUSTICE Programme. Assigned by Law and Internet Foundation. (08/2017-11/2018)

      ▪ „Structured Synergies Improve Structured Dialogue (SSISD)“, Erasmus+ Programme. Assigned by Law and Internet Foundation. (06/2017-11/2018)

      ▪ „Mentoring Platform for Young Social Innovators (MYNNOVA)“, Erasmus+ Programme. Assigned by Law and Internet Foundation. (12/2016-20/2018)

      ▪ „Advancing the Third Sector through Innovation and Variation (ATSIV)“, Erasmus+ Programme. Assigned by Law and Internet Foundation. (09/2016 – 08/2019)

      ▪ OPEN MIND Project, Erasmus+ Programme. Assigned by VUZF University. (11/2016 – 10/2018)

      Finished Projects

      ▪ „Culture And RISk management in Man-made and Natural Disasters“(CARISMAND), Horizon2020. Assigned by Law and Internet Foundation (10/2015 – 09/2018)

      ▪ „Citizen Interaction Technologies Yield Community Policing“ (CITYCoP), Horizon2020. Assigned by Law and Internet Foundation. (06/2015 – 05/2018)

      ▪ „Managing Alternatives for Privacy, Property and Internet Governance (MAPPING)“, 7th Framework Programme. Assigned by Law and Internet Foundation. (03/2014 – 02/2018) ▪ „European Informatics Data Exchange Framework for Courts and Evidence (EVIDENCE)“, 7th Framework Programme. Assigned by Law and Internet Foundation. (03/2014 – 08/2016)

      Christophilopoulos, E., Larsson, T., Mantzanakis, S., & Ilieva-Koleva, D. (n.d.). China 2030 – The way towards a viable cooperation with China. In FUTURES OF A COMPLEX WORLD Proceedings of the Conference ?Futures of a Complex World?, 12?13 June 2017, Turku, Finland (pp. 264?275). Turku, Finland: FINLAND FUTURES RESEARCH CENTRE. Retrieved from

      ▪ Christophilopoulos, E., Bontoux, L., Ilieva-Koleva, D., & Mantzanakis, S. (2018). PAIGNIOPHOBIA. DARING TO USE A SERIOUS GAME IN CHINA. In FTA2018 – Future in the Making. Brussels: Joint Research Center

      ▪ Koleva, D., Dobreva, J. „Managing Sustainable Enterprises and Promoting Open Innovation in Bulgaria“, The 8th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, Sheffield, UK, June 2015

      ▪ Koleva, D., „Applying Mentoting Programs in Universities to Improve the Communication BetweenBusiness and Academia“, 17th International Science Conference „Materials, Methods and Technologies“, Elenite, Bulgaria, June 2015

      ▪ Koleva, D, Dobreva, J., „Social Entrepreneurship as a Form of Social Responsibility in Bulgaria“, 5th Eastern European Economic and Social Development Conference on Social Responsibility, Belgrade, Serbia, May 2015

      ▪ Koleva, D., „The Importance of Mentoring Programs in Business“, 15th International Academic Conference, Rome, Italy, April 2015

      ▪ Koleva, D., „Neuro-linguistic Programming Techniques for Perfecting Presentation Skills“, Zadar, Croatia, October 2014

      ▪ Koleva, D., „Methods for Perfecting Presentation Skills“, International Science Conference „Economy and Business“, Elenite, Bulgaria, September 2014

      ▪ Koleva, D., Vazov, R., „Executive Training in Bulgaria, a Perspective on Social Entrepreneurship“, Co-creating social entrepreneurship for growth – Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2014

      ▪ 6th National Schientific Conference for Doctoral Students «Economic and Social Challenges for the Government and the Business», UNWE Sofia, Bulgaria April 2014

      ▪ International Science Conference „Economy and Business“, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, September 2013

      ▪ Jubilee Scientific Conference of the Management Department of the University of National and World Economy, October 2011

      ▪ International Scientific Conference “ Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management“ – Ravda, Bulgaria, 2010

      Teaching Activities and Stand-in Professors

      Lecturer at the first Summer Academy for the Young Leaders in the Public Administration – „Business etiquette and protocol“, „Public image“ and „Presentation skills“, October 2017

      Lecturer at the Fifth National Forum for Dental Medicine – „Standing behind your word – the power of language“, Haskovo, September 2017

      Guest lecturer at „Ivan Vazov“ Language High School – „What does the Body Language say“, Plovdiv, May 2017

      Lecturer for Training Academy – „What should we really know when we hear Business communication“, online, March 2017

      Lecturer at the Body Language Seminar „What are your toes pointing at?“, Betahaus Sofia, December 2016

      Lecturer at the Summer Meeting of Family Business Network – „Coaching and mentoring“, September 2016

      Lecturer at the first Summer Academy for the Young Leaders in the Public Administration – „Business etiquette and protocol“, „Public image“ and „Presentation skills“, September 2016

      Lecturer at the Programme Modern Business – „Business etiquette and protocol“, June 2016 Guest

      Lecturer at VUZF’s Summer Academy – „Modern business etiquette“, June, 2016

      Speaker at the Inspire to Higher Event of the National Real Estate Association – „How to Protect Our Professional Image, to Gain Trust and Demonstrate a High Level of Credibility“, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2015

      Speaker at the XV Jubileum Scientific Symposium of the Dental Specialists – „How to preserve our own health while giving health to others“, Burgas, Bulgaria, June 2015

      Speaker at the XIV Scientific Symposium of the Dental Specialists – „Conflict and Crisis Management in the Dental Practice“, Burgas, Bulgaria, June 2014

      Guest Lecturer at the VUZF Business Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria – „The Non-verbal Communication in Business“, March 2014

      Guest Lecturer at the National Trade and Banking High School – „Presentation Skills“, Sofia, Bulgaria, February 2014

      Guest Lecturer at the National Trade and Banking High School – „Business Etiquette and Nonverbal Communication“, Sofia, Bulgaria, February 2014

      Guest Lecturer at the European University Barcelona – „Business Etiquette and Protocol“, Barcelona, Spain, November 2013

      Speaker at the VIII Scientific Symposium of the Bulgarian Dental Association – „Business Etiquette and Protocol“, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, October 2013

      Speaker at the XIII Scientific Symposium of the Dental Specialists – „Non-verbal Communication and Body Language in the Dental Practice“, Burgas, Bulgaria, June 2013

      Guest Lecturer at the European University Barcelona – „NLP for Better Communication“, Barcelona, Spain, November 2011