The Laboratory for Applied Scientific Research (VUZF Lab) at VUZF University is organizing International Conference on Circular Economy and Sustainable Finance. The forum will take place on October 24th 2019, starting at 10:30 a.m. at VUZF University, Hall 501, fl. 5, Прочети
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Ilieva who is a lecturer at VUZF University and Director of the VUZF Lab ,,Business Management and Marketing“ Program Department, is the author of a new column called „The Modern Teacher is Modern“ in the bi-monthly scientific and methodological journal Прочети
The new issue of „VUZF Review“ is now available at: Main topics of the publications are the EU cohesion policy, capital markets, cryptocurrency, applications of artificial intelligence, personal pension insurance schemes, etc. PhD students of VUZF University are main participants in Прочети
On 28 June 2019 VUZF Lab (the applied research center with the University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship) and the Union of Bulgarian Jurists held a workshop on the topic of “Management of financing from the European Structural and Investment Funds – Прочети
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krasimir Todorov, a lecturer at VUZF University, presented the university to the international academic community in Copenhagen, Denmark, at the scientific conference on strategic management, organized by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology on 11-12 June 2019. Прочети
Prof. Dr. Virginia Zhelyazkova, Deputy Rector for Education activity and Quality at VUZF University and Head of the “Finance and Financial Management” Department at VUZF Lab, presented the Laboratory at the 10th International Conference for International Business, which took place in Thessaloniki Прочети
On 19 May 2019 a workshop took place at Vuzf on the topic of “Measures against money laundering related to the freezing and forfeiture of assets in the context of national legislation and EU law” organized by VUZF Lab (the applied research Прочети
The cyclicality of economic processes suggests that after years of economic growth, as observed in Europe, there will be a recession in development with a slowdown in the global economy. The participants in the round table „New economic crisis in Bulgaria – Прочети
Laboratory for Applied Scientific Research (VUZF Lab) to the University of finance, business and entrepreneurship is officially open. This long-awaited project unifies the efforts of the University to be in favor of the business through scientific cooperation and by preparing analysis and Прочети
Към момента в Европейския съюз (ЕС) съществуват 5 директиви, които уреждат борбата с пране на пари и финансирането на тероризма. Последната от тях, която е основополагаща, вече беше изменена в края на месец май. Към 10 януари 2020 г. тези мерки вече Прочети