Workshop on the management of financing from EU funds organized by VUZF Lab

On 28 June 2019 VUZF Lab (the applied research center with the University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship) and the Union of Bulgarian Jurists held a workshop on the topic of “Management of financing from the European Structural and Investment Funds – case law challenges“. The workshop presenter was Sonya Yankolova, judge at the Supreme Administrative Court.

The workshop focused on the case law in implementing the Management of Financing from the European Structural and Investment Funds Act (MFESIFA) adopted in 2015.

One of the topics covered were the major reasons for difficulties arising in the implementation of MFESIFA. On the one hand, they are related to the regulatory hierarchy of applicable law, EU law and the national legislation, on the other – to the breaches by the authorities implementing the Act.

Judge Yankulova spoke on the financial correction as an act issued by an administrative body or by the court, by force of which the beneficiary is obliged to refund an unduly received financial grant. She also considered the grounds for refusal to grant such financial assistance.

It was noted that most often the grounds for financial corrections are breaches of EU law and/or of national legislation. Special emphasis was placed on the damages such breaches and omissions cause on the EU budget. Judge Yankulova noted that determining the amount of the damage is a big challenge for law enforcement authorities.

The workshop participants had the opportunity to ask the speaker questions related to examples from their practice, and to exchange views, experience and ideas on resolving specific cases.

The workshop was attended by experts from the managing authorities of the operational programmes, government institutions, municipalities, commercial companies and higher education schools.

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