VUZF University hosted a round table about the challenges to the healthcare reform and their solutions

VUZF University was organizer and host of a round table on „Models for restructuring of healthcare in Bulgaria (problems and possible solutions)“, which took place at VUZF University on 30 October 2018.

The round table was attended by the Minister of healthcare Kiril Ananiev and the Deputy Minister – Jeni Nacheva, representatives of the management of the Association of Bulgarian Insurers, managers of the largest insurance companies in Bulgaria, directors of university hospitals, members of the Fiscal Council, rectors of medical universities.

The discussion brought together representatives of the three parties of the proposed healthcare reform models – the state, the hospitals and the insurers, and marked the major challenges for the reform. The main purpose of the round table was to hear the different points of view, the problems that arise, the challenges faced by the parties and how to minimize the risks to the system.

The round table was organized under the patronage of the Laboratory for Applied Scientific Research at VUZF – VUZF Lab, which was officially opened a few days ago. One of the objectives of the Laboratory is to be a platform for such professional discussions and to produce solutions and correct models for reforms in healthcare, finance, tax, economics and other sectors. The round table about healthcare changes was the first. VUZF Lab promised to be a mediator in this process and to organize a second meeting on that subject, once the results from the working groups at the Ministry of Healthcare become clear. These working groups were created to produce proposals for the best healthcare model solutions, which are expected to be ready by the end of the year.

At the beginning of the meeting were also introduced the Heads of the VUZF Lab Program Departments, who with their expertise will participate in the further discussions.


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