Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zhelyo Hristozov

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zhelyo Hristozov

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zhelyo Hristozov is a PhD in Economics, an expert on problems in insurance . He is a lecturer at the Higher School of Insurance and Finance

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zhelyo Hristozov has a rich management experience in the field of insurance. During the years of his professional experience he was a partner and manager of insurance broker „European Brokers House“ Ltd.; Head of the Internal Control Department at Armeec Insurance Company; Manager of Olympic Club – Bulgaria Branch. From 2012 until 2014 he was Deputy Executive Director and from 2014 to 2016 – Executive Director and member of the Board of Directors of DalBogg – Life and Health AD.

Assoc. Prof. Hristozov has numerous publications on the problems of insurance. He is the author of a joint and two independent monographs, as well as three textbooks on insurance. He has participated in a number of projects related to insurance and education.

Selected publications

      1. Hristozov, Zh. Influence of inflation in life insurance. National Economic Archive, 2001, vol. 1, pp. 29-34.
      2. Hristozov, Zh. Construction of an investment portfolio of a life insurance company. Business Management, 2003, vol. 1.
      3. Hristozov, Zh.. Determination of the duration of life insurance assets. National Economic Archive, 2003, vol. 2, pp. 18-24.
      4. Hristozov, Zh. Determination of the duration of Insurance Liabilities. National Economic Archive, 2003, vol. 3.
      5. Hristozov, Zh. Investments of life insurers – a way to stimulate the economy. C. Insurer, 2002
      6. Hristozov, Zh. Insurance against unemployment. An electronic publication at,144135/?page=1. 2012

      1. The Solvency II system in insurance (theory and practice). Ed. „St. Grigoriy the Theologian „. VUZF, 2013.
      2. Internal control of the insurance company. Ed. „St. Grigoriy Bogoslov, VUZF, 2013.3. Hristozov, Zh., R. Todorov. Evaluation of the insurance and investment activity of the general and life insurance companies in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 1999 – 2002. Abagar, V. Tarnovo, 2005.

      Hristozov, Zh. Insurance frauds and methods of combating them. VUZF Yearbook, 2013.

      1. „Methodology for financial monitoring and control on the financed projects under the program“ Development of cultural tourism in Bulgaria „at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, budget line 01.02.03. Practical realization by means of financial monitoring of 19 (nineteen) projects under the same program.

      Assigned by:  Executive Agency – PHARE Program, Economic and Social Cohesion, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.

      1. Developing a program and conducting of insurance training in the cities of Blagoevgrad, Vratsa, Razgrad and Pernik for representatives of small and medium enterprises.

      Assigned by: National Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises – Sofia.

      1. “Accident” Insurance for students and pupils on the time for conducting their practice“ under the project BG051PO001-3.3.07-0002″ Student Practices „, co-financed by the European social fund under the Operative Program“ Human Resources development 2007 – 2013 „. „And project BG051PO001-3.3.07-0001“ Student Practices „, co-financed by the European social fund under the Operative program“ Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013 „.

      Assigned by: Ministry of Education, Youth and Science.

      1. Participation in a joint group of scientific specialists in developing, organizing and conducting modular training throughout the country for the recruitment of employes at ZPAD Bulstrad.

      Assigned by: ZPAD Bulstrad.

      1. Conducting of life insurance training for employees of DSK – Guarantee PIC.

      Assigned by: DSK – Guarantee PIC

      1. Increasing the adaptiveness of employed persons through professional training „Insurance intermediary“ financed by OP „Human Resources Development“.

      Assigned by: Insurance broker Amarant – Bulgaria Ltd. and VUZF

      1. Life insurance and insurance products – typology and market potential

      Assigned by: BADDPO and ABZ

      1. Creation of a modern distance learning center in VUZF, including specialized software, videoconference teaching system and electronic library

      Assigned by: VUZF

      1. Improvement of the quality management system of VUZF and improvement of the quality of the offered services through improvement and optimization of the working processes.

      Assigned by: VUZF

      1. Textbooks and manuals.
      2. Yotov, Y, Zh. Hristozov. Investments of the insurance company. Svishtov, 2003.
      3. Hristozov, Zh, P. Dimitrov. „Insurance products“. Ed. of VUZF, 2012.
      4. Hristozov, Zh. Personal insurance. Electronic textbook, 2013.
      5. Lecture courses
      6. Fundaments of Insurance
      7. Insurance products and insurance market
      8. Risk management in insurance
      9. Internal control of insurance companies
      10. Investment policy and capital management of insurance companies
      11. Frauds in insurance

      1. Yotov, Y., Zh. Hristozov. Report „Balkanic Insurance Market“. International Scientific and practical conference. Albena, 2003, p. 156.
      2. Vazov, Gr., Zh. Hristozov. Report on problems for small and medium-sized enterprises in the enforcement of the European Union’s technical legislation. International conference, Sofia
      3. Hristozov, .Zh R. Vazov. Report „Analysis of premium incomes of insurance companies“. Fifth International scientific conference, Sofia, University publishing house „Stopanstvo“, UNSS
      4. Hristozov, Zh. Report „Is insurance in Bulgaria out of the economic crisis?“. Jubilee International scientific conference „Crisis and economic growth“ dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of UNSS. Sofia, 2012.
      5. Hristozov, Zh. Report „Catastrophic piece“. Scientific conference „Actual problems of the protection of the population and infrastructure“, Vasil Levski National Military University, Veliko Tarnovo, 2012.