prof. Sava Grozdev

prof. Sava Grozdev

Sava Grozdev is professor in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. He has Master degree in Complex Analysis – Sofia University; PhD degree in Mathematical Analysis and DSc degree (Dr Habil degree) in Pedagogy of Mathematics; specialization in France (Technical University in Lille) on Control and Stabilty of Systems. Presently he is Vice-Rector of the VUZF University – Sofia and is responsible for scientific activities and PhD education. Prof. Grozdev is specialist in Nonlinear Oscillations, Stability and Control, Analytical Mechanics, Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, Probability Theory and Statistics, Quantitative methods and Business Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics for economists, Econometrics, Financial Mathematics. Invited lector in France, Greece, Romania, Cyprus, Russia, Macedonia, Kazakhstan, he is national and international expert in Mathematics Education, Assessment, Control of Research, Actions on Skills, Training and Career Development, Information, Communication and New Technologies in Education and Research, Research Infrastructures.

Prof. Grozdev is the author of more than 400 scientific publications and 30 books. He is the author of a mathematical model for preparation of talented students. As a leader of the Bulgarian National Team for the IMO he has applied the model and in the period 1999-2003 Bulgaria has won 30 medals from 30 possible ones – 17 gold, 11 silver and 2 bronze, including the World Championship in 2003 in Japan. Prof. Grozdev was mentor of 26 PhD students (2 from Japan, 2 from Macedonia an 1 from Germany) with successfully defended dissertations. He is Doctor Honoris Causa of 5 universities in Bulgaria and abroad, Academician of IHEAS (International Higher Education Academy of Sciences) – 2008,  Academician of the Academy for Informatization of Education (Russia) – 2010, Academician of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts (BASA) – 2011, Academician of the яInternational Informatization Academy (Kazakhstan) – 2015.

Founder and Editor in Chief since 1992 of Mathematics Plus Journal (Bulgaria) (ISSN 0861-8321); Editor in Chief of Mathematics and Informatics Journal (Bulgaria) (ISSN 2367-7775); Editor in Chief of Mathproblems Journal (Kosove) (ISSN 2217-446X); Co-Editor of International Journal of Computer Discovered Mathematics (ISSN 2367-6493) . Member of the Editorial Boards of: “Sigma” (Macedonia) (ISSN 1409-6803); Creativitate Matematica (Romania) (ISSN 1584-286 X); “Pedagogical Informatics” (Russia) (ISSN 2070-9013); “Information Environment of Education and Science” (Russia) (2223-4438); VUZF Review (Bulgaria)

Awards: International Competition of the European Mathematical Society for writing a paper (“Gazette des mathematiciens”, 105, 2005, 57 – 64), Third Prize -2000; International Competition “Write-a-problem-set International Challenge” of the American Organization “Best Practices in Education” (18 E. 16th Street, New York, NY 10003, USA), Prize “Meritorious” – 2003; Bulgarian Order “Cyril and Methodius-First degree” – 2007; Annual Prize of the Union of Scientist for higher scientific achievements – 2008. In 2013 Prof. Grozdev was awarded the Bulgarian State Award “Pythagoras” for higher achievements in Science and Education. In 2017 he was awarded the “Palmes Academiques” of the French Government.

Selected Publications

      Grozdev, S., V. Nenkov, Design of information-educational environment for the establishment of new facts in Mathematics, International Conference “Education and Psychology Challenges – Teachers for the Knowledge Society – 2nd Edition (EPC – TKS 2013), Sinaia, Romania, 24 – 27 October 2013. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 128, 2014, pp 211 – 216 (ELSEVIER, ISSN: 1877-0428).

      Available at

      Grozdev, S., V. Nenkov, Inductive derivation of formulae by a computer, International Conference “Education and Psychology Challenges – Teachers for the Knowledge Society – 2nd Edition (EPC – TKS 2013), Sinaia, Romania, 24 – 27 October 2013. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 128, 2014, pp 399 – 405 (ELSEVIER, ISSN: 1877-0428).

      Available at

      Гроздев, С., Д. Деков, Компютърно генерирана математика: разработване на тема от Евклидовата геометрия, Математика и информатика, т. 57, 1, 2014, 34–42 (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., В. Ненков, Д. Деков, Няколко хомотетично породени свойства на Фойербаховите конфигурации, Математика и информатика, т. 57, 1, 2014, 68–72 (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., В. Ненков, Хомотетични конични сечения в равнината на триъгълник, Математика и информатика, т. 57, 2, 2014, 139–154 (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., Е. Петрова, Състезанието „Европейско кенгуру“ за ученици със зрителни увреждания, Математика и информатика, т. 57, 2, 2014, 166–174 (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., В. Ненков, Два приложения принципа дуальности, Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции „Информатизация образования – 2014“, Волгоград, 23 – 26 апреля 2014, Волгоград: Издательство ВГСПУ „Перемена“, 2014, 268–271 (ISBN 978-5-9935-0324-0). Электронная версия размещена на сайте Академии информатизации образования по адресу:

      Гроздев, С., Д. Стефанова, К. Василева, С. Колева, Р. Петрова, Стимулиране на творческа активност при билингви чрез динамичен софтуер, Математика и информатика, т. 57, 3, 2014, 247–273 (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., В. Ненков, Крива на Чева за точка от равнината на триъгълник, Математика и информатика, т. 57, 3, 2014, 285–298 (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., В. Ненков, Някои методически подходи за съставяне на задачи за олимпиади, Математика и информатика, т. 57, 3, 2014, 309–316 (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., Д. Деков, Компютърно генерирана математика: произведения на Коснита в Евклидовата геометрия, Математика и информатика, т. 57, 4, 2014, 355–363 (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., В. Ненков, Няколко свойства на едни криви, породени от точка на Нагел, Математика и информатика, т. 57, 4, 2014, 384–401 (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., Д. Стефанова, Мотивация при решаване на задачи чрез преформулировка на условията, Математика и информатика, т. 57, 4, 2014, 416–421 (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., В. Лалева, А. Русаков, В. Русакова, Методические аспекты преподавания математики с использованием дидактических возможностей интерактивной среды, Известия Южно федерального университета. Педагогические науки, № 6, 2014, 109–119. Журнал входит в список ВАК (Импакт-фактор – 0,046), статья включена в РИНЦ

      Grozdev, S., D. Dekov, Computer-generated mathematics: points on the Kiepert hyperbola, The Mathematical Gazette, note 98.33, 2014, 37 – 38.

      Гроздев, С., Д. Деков, Машинен подход към Евклидовата геометрия: Триъгълници на Ойлер, Произведения на Ойлер и Трансформации на Ойлер, Математика и информатика, т. 57, 5, 2014, 519–528 (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., Д. Деков, Компютърно генерирана математика: бележка за триъгълника на Хаимов, Математика и информатика, т. 57, 6, 2014, 559–567. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., Д. Деков, Учене чрез открития – нов ефективен подход в ученето чрез експериментиране, Математика и информатика, т. 57, 6, 2014, 568–585. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., В. Ненков, Конкурентност, породена от тангенти, Математика и информатика, т. 57, 6, 2014, 613–616. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., В. Ненков, Педална крива на точка спрямо Фойербахова конфигурация, Математика и информатика, т. 57, 6, 2014, 617–625. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Grozdev, S., Sh. Ismailov, The computer experiment in school as a methodological tool in science education. Естественнонаучное образование: время перемен, Сборник под общей ред. академика В. В. Лунина и проф. Н. Е. Кузьменко, М.: Издательство Московского университета, 2014, 131–137,  205 с. ISBN 978-5-19-010923-8 .

      Электронная версия размещена на сайте Химического факультета МГУ:

      Grozdev S., D. Dekov, Computer-Discovered Mathematics: Anticevian Corner Products, Mathproblems (Universiteti i Prishtinёs, Prishtinё, Kosovё), Volume 4, Issue 4 (2014), p. 358 – 361 (ISSN 2217-446X).

      Grozdev, S., B. Kirilova, The Benefits of Applying Formative Assessment Techniques for Better Student Learning, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Proceedings of the Sixth International Scientific Conference – FMNS, 10–14 June 2015, Mini-Conference „Inquiry-Based Approach in Higher Education in Mathematics and Informatics“, Volume 1 – Mathematics and Informatics, Blagoevgrad: South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, 2015, 179–186, ISSN: 1314-0272 (Abstracted/Indexed in Mathematical Reviews, ZentralblattMATH)

      Grozdev, S., D. Dekov, The Computer Improves the Steiner’s Construction of the Malfatti Circles, Mathenmatics and Informatics, t. 58, 1, 2015, 40–51. (ISSN 1310-2230)

      Гроздев, С., В. Ненков, Геометрична конструкция на крива на Чева, Математика и информатика, т. 58, 1, 2015, 52–57. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Grozdev, S., D. Dekov, Computer Discovered Mathematics: Lalesco Products, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 58, 2, 2015, 143–148. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Anevska, K., S. Grozdev, R. Malcheski, Comparative Analysis Regarding the Study of Transformations in the Euclidean Planet by Applying Complex Numbers, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 58, 3, 2015, 261–271. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., В. Ненков, Две симетрични поляри и два хармонично спрегнати полюса, Математика и информатика, т. 58, 4, 2015, 415–425. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Grozdev, S., D. Dekov, Computer Discovered Mathematics: Cevian Corner Products, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 58, 4, 2015, 426–436. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Grozdev, S., D. Dekov, Computer Discovered Mathematics: Antipedal Corner Products, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 58, 5, 2915, 513 – 519. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., В. Ненков, Пълно обобщение на теоремата на Грифитс с конични сечения, Математика и информатика, т. 58, 5, 2015, 520 – 538. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Grozdev, S., D. Dekov, Computer Discovered Mathematics: Pedal Corner Products, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 58, 6, 2015, 609 – 615. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., В. Ненков, Теоремата на Фонтене по отношение на описани централни конични сечения, Математика информатика, т. 58, 6, 2015, 621 – 638. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Гроздев, С., Гений с български произход, Математика и информатика, т. 58, 6, 2015, 643 – 651. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Grozdev, S., V. Nenkov, A generalization of the Griffith’s Theorem for Conics with intersecting diameters. Mathproblems (Universiteti i Prishtinёs, Prishtinё, Kosovё), Volume 5, Issue 2 (2015), p. 431 – 437 (ISSN 2217-446X),


      Гроздев, С., В. Ненков, Неравенство на Шур и примена, Математичко списание Нумерус, 2015, 1 – 6, Скопjе.

      Гроздев, С., В. Ненков, Две елементарни неравенства и нивна примена, Математичко списание Нумерус, 2015, 13 – 17, Скопjе.

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov (2015). Two Elementary Inequalities and Their Application, Mathematical Journal Numerus, 13 – 17, Skopje. (In Macedonian).

      Grozdev, S. A mathematical model round the Nobel prize in Economics for 2015, Вторая международная научно-практическа конференция „Постсоветское пространство – территория инноваций“, 10 – 11 декабря 2015, Москва, 2015, 294 – 298, ISBN 978-5-91422-041

      Grozdev S., T. Terzieva. A didactic model for developmental training in computer science, Journal of Modern Education Review, Academic Star Publishing Company, Vol. 5, Number 5, May 2015, New York, USA, p. 470-480, ISSN 2155-7993.

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov. A General Approach to Establish Relations among the Radii of Tangent Circles, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 59, 1, 2016, 52 – 72. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov. International Zhautikov Olympiad, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 59, 1, 2016, 89 – 94. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Anevska K., S. Grozdev, R. Malceski. Comparative Analysis Regarding the Use of Comlpex Numbers in Secondary School, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 59, 2, 2016, 193 – 203. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Vagramenko, J., S. Grozdev, A. Rusakov. Character of the Contemporary Education in Conditions of Information Society Construction, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 59, 3, 2016, 231 – 242. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Russian)

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov. A Generalization of a Cesar Koshnica Theorem, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 59, 3, 2016, 282 – 293. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov. Generalization of Droz-Farny Theorem Defined by a Circum-conic, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 59, 4, 2016, 351 – 367. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Grozdev S., D. Georgieva. A Practical Problem of PISA Type Studied by Software for General Application, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 59, 4, 2016, 402 – 415. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Grozdev S., D. Dekov. Computer Discovered Mathematics: Orthology Centers of the Euler Triangles, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 59, 5, 2016, 393 – 403. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov. Vector product and relations between side and section areas of some polyhedria, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 60, 1, 2017, 50 – 56. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Georgieva M., S. Grozdev. NDM-Philosophy in education of the 21st century, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 60, 2, 2017, 111 – 122. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov. Fans of circles in inscribed polygons, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 60, 2, 2017, 181 – 201. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Гроздев, С., В. Ненков. Бележка върху теоремата за степенните средни и обучаващия характер на олимпиадите, Математика и информатика, 2, 2017, 202-206,ISSN 1310-2230.

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov. A note on the theorem of the power averages and the educational character of  the Olympiads, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 60, 2, 2017, 202 – 206. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov. Several problems for circles tangent to conics, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 60, 3, 2017, 262 – 273. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Grozdev S., R. Nikolaev, V. Nenkov. National mathematical Olympiad for university students, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 60, 3, 2017, 291 – 294. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov. A note on one of the problems for 7th grade – May 22, 2017, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 60, 3, 2017, 295 – 298. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Grozdev S. For the agenda in the education, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 60, 4, 2017, 335 – 343. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Grozdev S., H. Okumura, D. Dekov. Problems on the Brocard circle, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 60, 4, 2017, 382 – 390. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov. Some constructions, generated by the duality principle, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 60, 4, 2017, 391 – 400. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov. The speed of light, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 60, 4, 2017, 410 – 419. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov. Proofs and verifications of experimentally derived assertions by the duality principle, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 60, 5, 2017, 481 – 500. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Grozdev S., H. Okumura, D. Dekov. A survey of Mathematics discovered by computers. Part 2, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 60, 6, 2017, 543 – 550. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Grozdev S., H. Okumura, D. Dekov. Computer discovered mathematics: constructions of Malfatti squares, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 61, 1, 2018, 10 – 18. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov. Тройки централни конични сечения през постоянна точка, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 61, 1, 2018, 83 – 93. (ISSN 1310-2230). (In Bulgarian)

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov. A possibility to teach and learn mathematics by theatre technology, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 61, 2, 2018, 113 – 124. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Grozdev S., H. Okumura, D. Dekov. Computer discovered mathematics: An alternative construction of Malfatti squares, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 61, 2, 2018, 171 – 174. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov. Polynomials of third degree with colinear roots, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 61, 3, 2018, 277 – 282. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Grozdev S., V. Nenkov. Polynomials of forth degree with roots in the vertices of a parallelogram, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 61, 3, 2018, 283 – 293. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Grozdev S., R. Nikolaev, St. Stoilova, V. Nenkov. Forty fifth national Olympiad in mathematics for University students, Mathematics and Informatics, t. 61, 3, 2018, 294 – 298. (ISSN 1310-2230).

      Grozdev, S. (2007). For High Achievements in Mathematics. The Bulgarian Experience (Theory and Practice). ADE, Sofia. (ISBN 978-954-92139-1-1), 295 страници

      Гроздев, С., Ненков, В. (2012). Три забележителни точки върху медианите на триъгълника. Архимед, София. (ISBN 978-954-779-136-7), 64 страници

      Гроздев, С., Х. Лесов (2012). Зимни математически състезания. ВУЗФ, София. (ISBN 978-954-8590-17-4), 351 страници.

      Гроздев, С., Ненков, В. (2012). Около ортоцентъра в равнината и пространството. Архимед, София. (ISBN 978-954-779-145-9), 120 страници

      Князева, Е., Гроздев, С., Георгиева, М., Гълъбова, Д. (2013). Синергетичният подход във висшето педагогическо образование (Върху примери от дидактиката на математиката). В. Търново: СЛОВО, 215 страници + 4 приложения. (ISBN 978-954-439-986-3)

      Сергеева Т. Ф., М. В. Шабанова, С. И. Гроздев (2014). Основы динамической геометрии. АСОУ, Москва. (ISBN 978-5-91543-140-8), 160 страници

      Malcheski, R., S. Grozdev, K. Anevska (2015). Geometry of Complex Numbers. Arhimed, Sofia. (ISBN 978-954-779-1886), 240 pages

      Георгиева, М., Гроздев, С. (2015). Морфодинамиката за развитието на ноосферния интелект, София. (ISBN 978-619-990522-0-4), 323 страници

      Malcheski, R., S. Grozdev, K. Anevska (2017). Geometry of Complex Numbers. Skopje: Union of Mathematicians of Macedonia. (ISBN 978-9989-646-94-2), 278 pages

      Bulgarian Coordinator of European Projects:


      • “Maths-Europe-Encyclopedia”;
      • MATHEU: “Identification, Motivation and Support of Mathematical Talents in European Schools”;
      • LeMATH: Learning Mathematics through New Communication Factors.


      • European Kangaroo – International Contest for 1-12 grade students and University students
      • MITE: “Methodology and Information Technologies in Education”;